I think I'm all set up and ready to post my 365 photos. I will catch up with this first week of January and try my best to do it daily. Not only for myself, but for my friends and family. It's a lot harder to find that 1 photo everyday to share. So much happens in the day in the life of a Mom and busy family.
Here is my first week:
1/365 ( Fri, Jan 1st). Here's me...sitting at home. Ready to take on the new year. Happy 2010!!
2/365 (Sat, Jan 2nd). We visited the Everett Children's Museum for the afternoon with our family. We had to renew our annual pass and for $20 more we were able to get 7 family members in for free. It was a great deal and a lot of fun.
Marc enjoys digging for dinosaur bones (with the kids of course).
3/365 (Sun, Jan 3rd). We are working on having family dinners to discuss our upcoming weeks. Here's our first Sunday dinner with homemade pizza. Marc used my new mixer that I got for Christmas. (uses: Marc - 3; Heather - 0).
4/365 (Mon, Jan 4th). Laundry day. Does your laundry day look like this? I need a wide angle lens to get the full scope, but I had these piles of clothes (4 days worth) to fold. First we dump it all on the floor then sort it (the kids each get a pile, our shirts, towels, our pants, kitchen towels). It's much more manageable this way. I am very happy that I have released control of putting it all away!
6/365 (Wed, Jan 6th). Miss R, my little artist. She has spent the last 3 days making paintings. We hung a few on the pantry door and I scan a couple to add to her scrapbook. She is really into flowers and rainbows and telling me that her painting means I love you!
7/365 (Thurs, Jan 7th). Miss M had 3 teeth removed on Wednesday. 2 on the top and 1 on the bottom. Next Wednesday she will have the matching 3 on the left side removed also. We are borrowing room in her mouth to let her adult teeth come in a little straighter. We go back to the orthodontist in May.
I will post my Friday picture later tonight. Thank you for being Friday (I think). It means the kids are home for the weekend and I'm still getting settled back in to them being at school all week.
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